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Our History


So much of African American history has been lost. We are humbled to know that some of our history has been preserved in writing. We are also proud to say that our founding families continue to worship at present day Billups Grove.



Deuteronomy 32:7.

Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.

The History of Billups Grove Baptist Church circa 1868

The Billups Grove Baptist Church was organized in the year of our Lord, 1868. The founders and membership consisted of former slaves. They were the Winfrey, the Carey, and the Billups families. With the help of the Lord, these believers clung together as they struggled with the realities of being freedmen and took their burdens to the Lord in prayer: 

“The Lord does not give His bit; He gives us His best. He does not give leftovers; He gives His life. For there is no burden that He cannot bear, no problem that He cannot solve, no need He cannot supply, no prayer He cannot answer.” 

Image of a tree

 One priority for the families was a place of worship. Their first church services were held under an oak tree on the corner of Morton and Lexington Roads. However, they yearned for a permanent place to worship that reflected their newly free surroundings.

The Walter Amis family (a white family), gave the believers land for a church. They were so overwhelmed by this family’s generosity that they named the church Amis Chapel, but later changed it to its present name. The building of the church was made possible by a loan from the Billups family. It was a one room structure, located across from a creek, and big enough for the 20 to 25 members. Services were held once a month, every third Sunday. 


The first pastor was Reverend W.M. Mitchell, great-grandfather of Will and George Watkins. He served for a long time. The succession of pastors through the late 1930s is as follows: Reverend Sloan Brown, Reverend Kimbrough, Reverend Mitchell and Reverend Renzel of Atlanta, GA. 


Tragedy struck the church twice during the tenure of these early pastors. In 1925, it was said that someone left the heater door open on January 25 of that year and the church was destroyed by fire. Fortunately, these brave believers, whose motto undoubtedly was “If God be for us, who can be against us?”, were able to build another church. Unfortunately, in April 1936, strong winds or a tornado destroyed the church again. Discouraged, depressed but not defeated, the church members remembered that the Bible teaches:


“Do not worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God your needs and do not forget to thank Him for His answers.” 


Strengthened by those words, they did not stand overwhelmed by their troubles, they stepped up to God’s Heavenly light. They did not stand in the shadows, they moved by faith and not by sight. For they know God’s way is the best way. The Good Samaritan Hall, which was a school house, was available so they held services there while a new church building was built under the leadership of Rev. Renzel, who served until 1938. He was succeeded by Reverend L.B. Stephens. Structural improvements to the church while Rev. Stephens was pastor included the bricking of the church in 1946 and the installation of bathrooms and a hallway in 1963. 


The most recent dramatic change for Billups Grove Baptist Church began when the church purchased land from Bobby Duncan in March 1982. Later that year on December 12, 1982, contractor Vernon Smith began construction on the current building. On May 15, 1983, we marched into our new sanctuary singing “We’ve Come This Far by Faith”, led by pianist Brother Greg Hull and the Gospel Choir. Rev. L.B. Stephens cut the ribbon and the first prayer was spoken by Deacon Ervin D. Smith. Dedication services were held July 24, 1983. Reverend William Smith and the Israel Baptist Church of Atlanta, GA, did the honors. 


Later that same year on November 6, Rev. L.B. Stephens suffered a stroke. He had served faithfully for 45 years. With many prayers and God as our guide, church members held regular worship services and programs for a year without a pastor. 


Prayers were answered on November 16, 1984, when Reverend and Mrs. Ben K. Willis met with us. We knew that all things work together for the good of them that love God. A few days later on November 21, Rev. Willis talked to officers and members and accepted the church. Installation services were held on February 17, 1985. The Reverend H.L. Dotson delivered the message with other ministers participating in the service. Rev. Willis, for the first time in the church’s existence, held worship services every first and third Sunday beginning in September 1985. Later, in April 1989, he broadened services so that they were held every Sunday. The church bid Rev. and Mrs. Willis a bittersweet goodbye when they retired in 2012. Reverend D’Meke Colbert succeeded Rev. Willis, serving from 2013 to October 2018. 


For approximately one year, the church was once again without a pastor after Rev. Colbert’s tenure ended. Thankfully, God sent Reverend Robert D. Finch to Billups Grove in October 2019. His installation service was held on February 2, 2020. The Reverend Abraham Moseley of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church delivered the message. Within a month of his installation service, the COVID pandemic began its deadly grip on the world, causing a shutdown of public gatherings. Undaunted, Rev. Finch shifted services to an online platform. This move provided members, as well as the online community, a regular, safe, convenient way to receive the word of God. Billups Grove has continued an online presence via Facebook and Youtube.


The church is continuing to grow in faith and hold on to God’s unchanging hand. There is no doubt that the church has been blessed with efficient leadership from past and present pastors but also church officers. A record of elected chairmen since the early church to the present are: the late Deacon A.J. Carey (the first chairman and also treasurer), the late Deacon Roy L. Billups, the late Deacon Dotson Nash, Sr. , Deacon J.C. Smith, the late Deacon Burnes Foote, Deacon Patrick Sheats and present chairman Deacon Wayne Clarke. Those who served as secretary: the late Brother Ciscero Neely (first secretary), the late Sister Susie Winfrey, the late Deacon Jim Winfrey, the late Sister Fannie M. Carey (who served 27 years and was the church historian), Sister Mary A Nash, the late Sister Elizabeth Patman, Sister Leslie Watkins, Sister Alana Williams, Sister Mary Ollie and present secretaries Sister Shemekia Armstrong and Sister Taffi Moore. 


The Billups Grove Baptist Church recognizes how God has continuously held us in his hand for over 155 years. Our prayer: 


“Give us father, a love for thine house. Grant that laziness and lukewarmness may not stop us from attending. Grant that disappointment and discouragement may not make us give up in Christ’s name. Amen.”


God does everything through prayer and nothing without it. So always keep on praying, won’t you?

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